Neighborhood Planners was a sub-consultant to RDG Planning + Design for a study which identified a potential cycle track linking Arrowhead Park on Little Lake Butte Des Morts to Kimberly Point on Lake Winnebago. The proposed bicycle facility would benefit downtown businesses and connect to existing trails, on-street bike lanes and routes.
Connect Arrowhead Park to downtown
Improve access to downtown for pedestrians and bicyclists
Attract additional downtown visitors drawn to City’s exceptional natural assets
Left Image credit: RDG Planning + Design
The City of Neenah continues to proactively plan for downtown. New residential infill and quality of life amenities such as The Plaza, an award winning outdoor gathering area, have attracted new businesses including Urban Market Neenah, a natural foods grocer and cafe.
Appleton Downtown and Comprehensive Plan Arrowhead Park Master Plan Creative Placemaking Downtown Waupaca Downtown Marshfield Master Plan Economic Development Studies
Fox Cities Trail Mapping
La Crosse Downtown Plan Moonwater Cafe South Riverfront Master Plan
South Commercial St Corridor Plan The 602 Club Towers Area Market Study
Water Street Corridor Plan